Sports Jones

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Thursday, April 07, 2005


Ever have so many thoughts running through your mind that you can't get things done? Then when you think that you are making progress all you really know is that you have dilemmas to contemplate? That is the type of day that I am having. There are some things that I must purchase, but I don't know which to get first. It all boils down to the mighty dollar!!!
I wantneed to buy a new car, but I don't know which one I want. I like the Xterra, Escape, and the Jetta. I am leaning towards the Xterra, but only if I can get a good deal.
I NEED to get a new laptop. Mine is dying a slow death. Sometimes it will let me connect to the Internet and other times it won't. It just creeps along and has a mind of its own. I am now typing this from my old Windows 98 desktop pc. UGH!! At least my laptop had Windows 2000. The problem here is that there are so many laptops out there to choose from, but I need to make a decision NOW, spend the money, and get a dependable, up-to-date laptop.
Finally, I want an IPOD!!! I was researching these and felt that this would be a good purchse. I see that I would be able to use it for various things; not just music. But, since this is more of a want right now, I guess this purchase will have to wait. Unless of course, someone out there wants to be kind and buy one for me. :0) HINT, know who YOU are!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be nice to be rich!!!!! BAHAHAHA

4:31 PM  

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